The Comeback Post Nobody beats Vitas Gerulaitis 17 times in a row. — Vitas Gerulaitis after beating Jimmy …Read moreThe Comeback Post
The Eyes in the Back of Your Head Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. — Jonathan Swift I don’t know …Read moreThe Eyes in the Back of Your Head
Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Roy Moore, James Toback, Mark Halperin, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Jeff Hoover, Jeffrey Tambor, John Lasseter, Glenn Thrush, Andrew Kreisberg… People talk about sexual assault like it’s a bad habit that men have. — Jon …Read moreHarvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Roy Moore, James Toback, Mark Halperin, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Jeff Hoover, Jeffrey Tambor, John Lasseter, Glenn Thrush, Andrew Kreisberg…
Beat Back the Blues You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. — …Read moreBeat Back the Blues
How to Save Society with Psychology If destruction be our lot, we [will] ourselves be its author and finisher. – Abraham Lincoln from …Read moreHow to Save Society with Psychology