Speaking Sometimes all it takes is one speaker to inspire your team. Hire Jake and see results. …Read moreSpeaking
The History of the Most Persuasive Advertisement Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them, and sometimes that is an ad. – Howard …Read moreThe History of the Most Persuasive Advertisement
EverydayPsych.com Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you …Read moreEverydayPsych.com Privacy Policy
The Comeback Post Nobody beats Vitas Gerulaitis 17 times in a row. — Vitas Gerulaitis after beating Jimmy …Read moreThe Comeback Post
Romantic Crush Syndrome The problem with love is you can love who you want…but so can they. — Anonymous Lately, …Read moreRomantic Crush Syndrome
It Gets Better (and Worse) Luck is believing you’re lucky. — Tennessee Williams Do you ever have that moment where …Read moreIt Gets Better (and Worse)