Discounts Can Discount Enjoyment A bargain ain’t a bargain unless it’s something you need. — Sidney Carroll There …Read moreDiscounts Can Discount Enjoyment
The Scientific Guide to Becoming Cool If you always color inside the lines, the picture never changes. — Anonymous If there has been …Read moreThe Scientific Guide to Becoming Cool
:) or :( Was that semi-colon some kind of flirty wink or just bad punctuation? — Azadeh Aalai Want to …Read more:) or :(
Giving the Best Gift It is not the gift, but the thought that counts. — Every terrible gift-giver ever Now, I know …Read moreGiving the Best Gift
Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Roy Moore, James Toback, Mark Halperin, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Jeff Hoover, Jeffrey Tambor, John Lasseter, Glenn Thrush, Andrew Kreisberg… People talk about sexual assault like it’s a bad habit that men have. — Jon …Read moreHarvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Roy Moore, James Toback, Mark Halperin, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Jeff Hoover, Jeffrey Tambor, John Lasseter, Glenn Thrush, Andrew Kreisberg…
In-clothed-nito Psychology What a strange power there is in clothing. — Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nobel-Prize winner Let me …Read moreIn-clothed-nito Psychology