Jake Goes to Court It is not wisdom but authority that makes a law. — Thomas Hobbes On Tuesday, I had to go to …Read moreJake Goes to Court
The Anti-Choking Post A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure. — Henry Kissinger If there were one …Read moreThe Anti-Choking Post
A Picture Says 1,024 Words Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second. — Marc Riboud I …Read moreA Picture Says 1,024 Words
In-clothed-nito Psychology What a strange power there is in clothing. — Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nobel-Prize winner Let me …Read moreIn-clothed-nito Psychology
Save the Internet! The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. — Bill …Read moreSave the Internet!
Black History Month We are not the makers of history. We are made by history. — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In …Read moreBlack History Month