What’s the Vaccine Evidence? Believe those who are seeking truth. — [shared quotation] For the first time in over 100 …Read moreWhat’s the Vaccine Evidence?
Scientists Get Away with Lighter Punishments When people commit the same misbehavior at work, like sexual harassment, they should receive the …Read moreScientists Get Away with Lighter Punishments
What Makes Content Engaging? Stories have shapes which can be drawn on graph paper. — Kurt Vonnegut The title of today’s …Read moreWhat Makes Content Engaging?
The Ultimate Choice It is not our abilities that show what we truly are. It is our choices. – Albus Dumbledore in Harry …Read moreThe Ultimate Choice
How Sleep Affects Your Manliness Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation. — Anonymous You would think living at home …Read moreHow Sleep Affects Your Manliness
Celebrate My PhD by Reading Today’s Post! If you want to be happy, be. — Leo Tolstoy It should come as no surprise that I write today’s …Read moreCelebrate My PhD by Reading Today’s Post!