How the “Headwinds/Tailwinds Asymmetry” Shapes Your Thinking Today, I’m excited to share an article from an expert in the field, Matt Coleman, on a …Read moreHow the “Headwinds/Tailwinds Asymmetry” Shapes Your Thinking
Don’t Understand? Advice for Perspective Taking Just because you’re right doesn’t mean I’m wrong, you just haven’t seen life …Read moreDon’t Understand? Advice for Perspective Taking
It Gets Better (and Worse) Luck is believing you’re lucky. — Tennessee Williams Do you ever have that moment where …Read moreIt Gets Better (and Worse)
Feeling Stupid In Class He who asks a question feels a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question is a fool …Read moreFeeling Stupid In Class
Purchasing Happiness Men fancy that external goods are the cause of happiness…[but] leisure of itself gives pleasure and …Read morePurchasing Happiness
Why Have Regret? We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. — Oscar Wilde Why is it, …Read moreWhy Have Regret?