The Smartphone Behavior Hurting Your Relationships We take better care of our smartphone than ourselves. — Arianna Huffington A finding that …Read moreThe Smartphone Behavior Hurting Your Relationships
A Newly Discovered Persuasion Trick I think the power of persuasion would be the greatest superpower of all time. – Jenny Mollen I …Read moreA Newly Discovered Persuasion Trick
Who’s Talking? Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. — Teddy Roosevelt Throughout my years in …Read moreWho’s Talking?
SPECIAL: Coronavirus/COVID-19 Fact Sheet Although this is an unusual post for this site — both in timing and content — I felt …Read moreSPECIAL: Coronavirus/COVID-19 Fact Sheet
Your Biggest Obstacle in Persuading Others Not brute force but only persuasion and faith are kings of this world. — Thomas …Read moreYour Biggest Obstacle in Persuading Others
Becoming Luckier You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from. — No Country for Old Men, …Read moreBecoming Luckier