Giving the Best Gift It is not the gift, but the thought that counts. — Every terrible gift-giver ever Now, I know …Read moreGiving the Best Gift
Black Friday Brain What consumerism really is, at its worst, is to get people to buy things that don’t actually …Read moreBlack Friday Brain
The ‘Scary’ Smart Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see. — Arthur …Read moreThe ‘Scary’ Smart
The Let-Down Effect There is nothing so wretched or foolish as to anticipate misfortunes. What madness it is to …Read moreThe Let-Down Effect
Psychological History of Marijuana: Part 3 Fortunately for serious minds, a bias recognized is a bias sterilized. — Benjamin Haydon As an …Read morePsychological History of Marijuana: Part 3