New Year, New You? You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, ‘I release the need for this in …Read moreNew Year, New You?
Likable New Year’s Knowledge Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get. — H. Jackson Brown, …Read moreLikable New Year’s Knowledge
Scientists Get Away with Lighter Punishments When people commit the same misbehavior at work, like sexual harassment, they should receive the …Read moreScientists Get Away with Lighter Punishments
Speaking Sometimes all it takes is one speaker to inspire your team. Hire Jake and see results. …Read moreSpeaking
The History of the Most Persuasive Advertisement Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them, and sometimes that is an ad. – Howard …Read moreThe History of the Most Persuasive Advertisement
My Interview with One of Psychology’s Most Influential Thinkers This week, I’m excited to bring you something unique for Everyday Psych: a personal interview with …Read moreMy Interview with One of Psychology’s Most Influential Thinkers