For a complete list of Jake’s research and publications, click here for his CV.
To see his profile at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, visit his faculty page here.
- Persuasion: What makes a message, advertisement, or recommendation persuasive? How can we best convince ourselves to act on our beliefs?
- Word of Mouth: What gets people talking about news articles, videos, consumer product? When and why do people try to convince you to see their perspective?
- Overconfidence: When does our self-perceived expertise exceed our actual abilities? How do incidental factors, like our emotions, bias our self-evaluations?
- Moral Influence: How do our beliefs about what is or isn’t ethical influence our decision-making? How do we perceive others’ moral opinions and actions?
The Handbook of Personalized Persuasion: Theory and Application (link)
2025: “Reactions to Undesired Outcomes: Evidence for the Opposer’s Loss Effect,” The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
2024: “Production Enjoyment Asymmetrically Impacts Buyers’ Willingness to Pay and Sellers’ Willingness to Charge,” The Journal of Marketing
2024: “We Need to Understand ‘When’ Not ‘If’ Generative AI Can Enhance Personalized Persuasion [Commentary],” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2024: “The Potential of Generative AI for Personalized Persuasion at Scale,” Scientific Reports
2023: “Personal Misconduct Elicits Harsher Professional Consequences for Artists (vs. Scientists): A Moral Decoupling Process,” Psychological Science
2023: “Understanding the Magnitude of Hypocrisy in Moral Contradictions: The Role of Surprise at Violating Strong Attitudes,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
2022: “Attributions of Emotion and Reduced Attitude Openness Prevent People from Engaging Others with Opposing Views” in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
2022: “Do Consumers Care About Morality? A Review and Framework for Understanding Morality’s Marketplace Influence” in Consumer Psychology Review
2021: “A Review and Conceptual Framework for Understanding Personalized Matching Effects in Persuasion” in the Journal of Consumer Psychology
2021: “Morality Matters in the Marketplace: The Role of Moral Metacognition on Consumer Purchasing” in Social Cognition
2020: “The ‘Buzz’ Behind the Buzz Matters: Tense and Energetic Arousal as Separate Motivations for Word of Mouth” in the Journal of Consumer Psychology
2019: “Perceived Knowledge Moderates the Relation between Subjective Ambivalence and the ‘Impact’ of Attitudes: An Attitude Strength Perspective” in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
2018: “The Role of Perceived Attitudinal Bases on Spontaneous and Requested Advocacy” in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
2017: “Are Some Attitudes More Self-Defining Than Others? Assessing Self-Related Attitude Functions and Their Consequences” in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Forthcoming: “From Advertisements to Word of Mouth: Understanding the Elaboration Likelihood Model in Consumer-Directed Persuasion” in The Handbook of Social Psychology and Consumer Behaviour
2025: “The Present and Future Landscape of Personalized Persuasion,” in The Handbook of Personalized Persuasion: Theory and Application
2025: “Understanding Effective Consumer Advertising and Word of Mouth through Personalized Persuasion,” in The Handbook of Personalized Persuasion: Theory and Application
2025: “An Introduction to Personalized Persuasion,” in The Handbook of Personalized Persuasion: Theory and Application
2017: “The Elaboration Likelihood Model: Implications for Exercising, Dieting, and Doping,” in Persuasion and Communication in Sport and Physical Activity
2016: “The Elaboration Likelihood Model: Understanding Consumer Attitude Change,” in International Handbook of Consumer Psychology
2015: “States of Consciousness,” in Noba’s Introduction to Psychology.