- A Brief Respite
- A Campfire Scary
- A Chill in the Air
- A First Step to Weight Loss
- A Hazy Understanding
- A Naval Sendoff
- A Newly Discovered Persuasion Trick
- A Nudge for Tomorrow
- A Picture Says 1,024 Words
- A Presidential Reaction
- A Scary Tale…
- A True Ghost Story for Halloween
- A True Underdog Story
- About Friendship
- About My Dad
- An Analysis of Love
- An Audio Post: Misinformation & Privacy
- An Exceptional Post! …Or Is It?
- An Explanation of Happiness
- An Overdue Ass-Kicking
- An Unexpected Act of Kindness
- Anxiously Awaiting Me, Weren’t You?
- Are Safe Spaces Helpful?
- Are You an Arthropod?
- Are You An Imposter?
- Are You Better than Average?
- Arousal
- Banishing Bias
- Bar Romance
- Battle Royale: Time vs. Money
- Be the Advocate
- Be the Hero
- Beat Back the Blues
- Become an Expert Negotiator
- Becoming an Expert at Anything
- Becoming Luckier
- Becoming More Moral
- Beginning Your Descent…
- Beware of Heavy Clipboards
- Birthday Psychology
- Black Criminality
- Black Friday Brain
- Black History Month
- Blackmail
- Bored? Not Anymore
- Branding the Self
- Breaking Bad Habits and Making Good Ones
- Brotherly Love
- Bugs in Our Brains’ Coding
- Can We Inherit Our Beliefs?
- Can You Smell Someone’s Personality?
- Can You Trust Your Hands?
- Catching Happiness
- Celebrate My PhD by Reading Today’s Post!
- Choice Blindness
- Choose Your Food Samely
- Coffee Talk
- Coloring Between the Lines
- Confirmatory Bias (Boring Title/Cool Topic)
- Convince Yourself by Convincing Others
- Creating Creativity
- Creatively Boosting Creativity
- Defeating Love
- Defending What’s Right
- Déjà vu: Have You Read This Before?
- Dicey Ice
- Dining Out Deviousness
- Discounts Can Discount Enjoyment
- Do Caterpillars Know They’ll Become Butterflies?
- Do the Arts Even Matter?
- Do We Feel the Same Emotions?
- Do You Know Your Reds From Your Whites?
- Dog Psychology
- Don’t Understand? Advice for Perspective Taking
- Dreaming of Whom?
- Easy vs. Difficult, You Decide
- Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Vote
- Effects of Our Biases
- Elevate Your Small Talk
- Emotion, What are Thee?
- Emotions vs. Expectations
- Estimating the Truth
- Everyday Problem Solving Technique
- Everyone Is Reading This. Simultaneously.
- Evil in His Eye
- Excited to be Anxious
- Expecting My Return?
- Eye Yie Eye
- Get Greater Willpower
- Giving the Best Gift
- Goal Achievement is One Easy Step Away
- Going Against Your Gut
- Goodbye from a Psychophilosopher
- Got Gratitude?
- Grateful for Self-Control
- Greater Satisfaction in Your Romantic Relationship
- Grit
- Guest Author: 3 Strategies for Powerful Self-Motivation
- GUEST AUTHOR: Why Stress is Easily Transmitted Between People
- Guest Blogger: Brain Enhancement
- Guest Blogger: High Functioning Depression
- Handling Your Emotions
- Happiness Hangovers
- Harvey Weinstein, Charlie Rose, Roy Moore, James Toback, Mark Halperin, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Jeff Hoover, Jeffrey Tambor, John Lasseter, Glenn Thrush, Andrew Kreisberg…
- Heartfelt Homeward
- Hello Again, Homesickness
- How Can Eye Contact Protect You?
- How Facebook Tricks You into Voting
- How I (Can) Control You
- How Sleep Affects Your Manliness
- How the “Headwinds/Tailwinds Asymmetry” Shapes Your Thinking
- How the CIA Predicts the Future
- How to (Scientifically) Lead a Meaningful Life: Part 1
- How to (Scientifically) Lead a Meaningful Life: Part 2
- How to Be Happier
- How to Catch a Hypocrite
- How to Have More Rational Opinions
- How to Save Society with Psychology
- How to Stay Focused Longer
- How Your Opinion of Productivity Impacts Your Free Time
- I Caught a Fish Thissssssss Big
- I Will… Power
- I’m Sorry; I Wrote This Post Last Minute!
- If Only the World Had More of This
- If Only You Didn’t Read This Post
- Imperceptible Influence
- Implicit Bias
- Impressed Yet?
- Improve Yourself with One Word
- Improving the Unimprovable
- In the Blink of an Eye
- In-clothed-nito Psychology
- Is Love at First Sight Real?
- It Gets Better (and Worse)
- It’s About Time
- Make Yourself Unforgettable
- Making a Better Decision
- Making Quarantine More Enjoyable
- Master Advocate
- Mastering Your Memory
- Maybe My Most Provocative Post Yet
- Mirror, Mirror, Am I Really This Good Looking?
- Miss Me, America? [Italy Trip Pt. 1]
- Morality by the Numbers
- Morally Disgusting
- Motion Sickness: What’s That About?
- Mountains or Ocean? It Says a Lot
- My Interview with One of Psychology’s Most Influential Thinkers
- Persuaded to Read Again
- Peruvian Persuasion
- Power and Action
- Power and Confidence
- Power and Empathy
- Priming Action
- Priming Explained
- Protect Yourself from Threat
- Pseudo-Profound BS
- Psychological History of Marijuana: Part 1
- Psychological History of Marijuana: Part 2
- Psychological History of Marijuana: Part 3
- Psychology Crisis? Not Yet
- Psychology of Food
- Psychology of Writer’s Block
- Purchasing Happiness
- Salem Psychology
- Save the Internet!
- Science Non-Fiction
- Scientific Survey Results: This Blog Is Awesome
- Scientists Get Away with Lighter Punishments
- Scream for Joy
- Self-Defining Attitudes
- Self-Driving Cars
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
- Shocking Statistics
- Should You Post Candid or Posed Photos?
- Should You Say You Enjoy It?
- Silence
- Sins of Science
- Skeptical of Spring…
- Sneaky, Sneaky Marketers
- Social Psychology of Christmas
- Solving the Voting Crisis. Kind of.
- SPECIAL: Coronavirus/COVID-19 Fact Sheet
- Stereotype Threat
- Stop the Hurting
- Stop the Spam!
- Storytelling Sexiness
- Straight Psychophilosophy
- The ‘Scary’ Smart
- The Amazing Influence of Washing Your Hands
- The Anti-Choking Post
- The Bearer of Bad News
- The Bermuda Delta
- The Bias Blind Spot
- The Clutch
- The College Dream
- The Comeback Post
- The Conscious Consumer
- The Curious Case of Why We Yawn
- The Danger of Discounts
- The Definitive Guide to FoMO
- The Desire to Be Courageous
- The Empathy Gap
- The Employees Who Serve You
- The Eyes in the Back of Your Head
- The False Consensus Effect
- The Fangs of Envy (Sounds Dramatic, Doesn’t It?)
- The Feeling You’re Being Watched
- The Formula for Charisma
- The Frame Makes the Difference
- The Friends of Fear
- The Fundamental Attribution Error
- The Halo Effect
- The Hidden Power of Words
- The Hindsight Bias
- The History of Humans
- The History of Humans Pt. 2
- The History of Intelligence
- The History of the Most Persuasive Advertisement
- The Immigration Ban
- The Influence of Anchoring
- The Invisible Influence of Cell Phones
- The Let-Down Effect
- The Magic of Magic Mushrooms
- The Mind Club
- The Mind of a Terrorist
- The Moral Divide
- The Most Important Thing You’ll Learn Today
- The Mover’s Dilemma
- The Need to Belong
- The Pale Blue Dot
- The Pandora Effect
- The Paradox of Too Much Choice
- The People Made of Ice
- The Planning Fallacy
- The Politics of Trump’s Charisma
- The Pose of Moral Leaders
- The Power of Touch
- The Pratfall Effect
- The Price of Food
- The Pros and Cons of Riots
- The Psychological Love Potion
- The Psychology of April Fool’s
- The Psychology of Laughter
- The Purpose of Stereotypes
- The Return Trip Effect
- The Robbers Cave Experiment
- The Scarlet T
- The Schemer’s Schema
- The Science of Believing in Yourself
- The Science of Charisma
- The Scientific Guide to Becoming Cool
- The Scientific Power of Superstition
- The Secret to Mortality
- The Sirens of Selfishness
- The Smartphone Behavior Hurting Your Relationships
- The Spotlight Effect
- The Sunk Cost Fallacy
- The Sweetest of Posts
- The Task at Hand
- The Trick to a Super Memory
- The Ultimate Choice
- The Valedictorian Speech That Wasn’t
- The Weight of Waiting
- The World’s Greatest Problem
- They’re Not Necessarily Jerks
- Time Warp
- To Pet or Not to Pet
- Trousers Everywhere in Flames
- Tylenol’s Effect on Happiness
- Wait, So Why Don’t We Do This?
- Warm Parent, Cold Parent
- Weather People Psychology
- Weighty Secrets
- What are Guilt and Shame?
- What Do You Think of Marketers?
- What IS Brain Freeze?
- What is the Placebo Effect?
- What Makes Content Engaging?
- What’s in a Name?
- What’s in a Voice?
- What’s the Vaccine Evidence?
- What’s Your Level of Creativity?
- When Rationality Is Irrational
- When We Got It Wrong
- Who Do You Consider Above Average?
- Who Helps Whom?
- Who’s a Hypocrite?
- Who’s Talking?
- Why Do People Enjoy Reality TV?
- Why Do We Dream?
- Why Do We Like Sad Music?
- Why Does Time Fly?
- Why Have Regret?
- Why Is the Internet So Mean?
- Why It’s Good to be Bad
- Why Resolutions Fail
- Why You Might Be Wrong
- Why You’re the Real Lemming
- Wintertime Psychology
- With Great Power Comes Funny Poses
- Would You Save a Life?
- Wrong, You Probably Are