Don’t Understand? Advice for Perspective Taking Just because you’re right doesn’t mean I’m wrong, you just haven’t seen life …Read moreDon’t Understand? Advice for Perspective Taking
Why Is the Internet So Mean? YouTube comments: The most cogent written argument for why you should never learn how to read. …Read moreWhy Is the Internet So Mean?
The Robbers Cave Experiment Peace is not an absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means. — …Read moreThe Robbers Cave Experiment
The Purpose of Stereotypes In many ways, being yourself is dispelling stereotypes. — Franchesca Ramsey In thinking …Read moreThe Purpose of Stereotypes
Jake Goes to Court It is not wisdom but authority that makes a law. — Thomas Hobbes On Tuesday, I had to go to …Read moreJake Goes to Court
Sins of Science Racism is man’s greatest threat to man–the maximum of hatred for the minimum of …Read moreSins of Science